When Barry and I called my dad to find out what time this year's Watch Night Service would be held, he asked if we wanted to baptize Doyle. We had taken the class for parents and even scheduled the baptism for the first Sunday in December around my birthday. Doyle had a very bad cold at that time so we put it off. Barry and I agreed that baptizing our son literally "at the New Year" would be a wonderful way to start the coming year. Having my dad perform the baptism was especially meaningful to us. For those who do not know, baptism is not the same as "Christening" a baby...the latter is a naming ceremony. Baptizing is one of two sacraments of the AME Church (the other is communion) whereby believers publicly acknowledge their faith and are ritually washed with water, symbolizing a cleansing from sin, linked with repentance and admission into the community of faith. In the case of infants and children it is expected that all who present them for baptism will use all diligence in bringing them up in conformity to the Word of God.