Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Summer Fun in the Pool

Well, as with most things, DJ comes by his love for water honestly: his father was a lifeguard for years in Jamaica before moving to the States and I can would be happiest with a pool right in my backyard! We never have a problem getting him in the water, now getting him OUT is another story! Luckily our fantastic friend Jessica allows us to invite ourselves over to her pool.

Father's Day 2007

The Johnson men wore their beautiful blue and white Greek shirts to church on Father's Day. The looked handsome and very stylish indeed! After church, we went enjoyed a great barbeque dinner with the Reed family as we celebrated our love for Granddad.

Memorial Week at the BnB

At the end of May, I made my annual trek to Long Beach to get a little RnR with family. Unfortunately, Barry had to work so it was just DJ and me this year. DJ enjoyed quality time with his Auntie Courtney, Cousin Donovan, and Uncles Tracey and Rodger. We timed our visit to coincide with mom and Aunt Ruth's return from Greece and we were able to enjoy extra time with Aunt Ruth (as she waited for her luggage to catch up with her in Long Beach!). Below you see the obligatory "hold us both!" photos as well as one of the young cousins sharing some love...

Mother's Day 2007

This year, I really wanted the opportunity to get out and get some exercise with DJ...and that is exactly what I got! My wonderful "Sister in Christ" Carley loaned me her bicycle (so that I wouldn't have to make a serious investment in case I really didn't love riding all that much) and off we went to get it fully outfitted to carry a toddler. DJ took to riding like he takes to everything - with a wonderful, "let's do it!" attitude. It is so much fun pedalling through Capitol Hill with him singing and providing commentary on the people and things we see from his "passenger seat".

SRA Spring Gala 2007

Once again it was "Esther to the Rescue!" when Barry and I decided to not only attend the SRA Spring Gala but to (gasp!) spend our first night away from DJ. We had a wonderful time getting all gussied up at the Black Tie event. We even did the "after party" thing by spending a couple of hours in the hotel bar with some friends after the main event ended. We are still officially honeymooners you know... :)

Granny's Spring 2007 Visits

My mom came out for an extended weekend in March then to cover for Ericca while she was on vacation in May - thank goodness for Grannys! She really gave me and Barry a break with the little guy - from bathing to strolls to the park, they had a great time. Of course, she took great care of us too! As always, we hated to see her go and are looking forward to her next visit.

March of Dimes Walk-America DC 2007

We had a great time at the March of Dimes Walk which raises dollars to support research and family programs for premature babies. It was a lovely warm day and we enjoyed a leisurely 4-mile stroll around the Capitol Mall. Aunt Christina navigated DJ in his stroller most of the walk while the rest of us clowned and enjoyed the day. Next year you should come join us dear reader. :)