Monday, December 03, 2007

29 Again?!

Yes, another December 2nd has come (and gone!). I celebrated the day as I have done for the past 3 years, with my wonderful book club. This year, as we have come to expect, Camille kept us on task; Roxan kept us in stiches and Sherran kept us "in our own lanes"! Esther was the fabulous hostess with the mostest, feeding us a wonderful chili - just right for the cold/rainy evening. The Johnson men were in attendance, looking dapper in their winter suits. A good time was had by all! DJ and Sherran are practicing his signature..he looks like he has an adoring fan in this wonderful woman!
Here, the two share a laugh!
Camille and Roxan were quite the duo throughout the evening. Alternately keeping us on point and in stitches with their antics.
I caught this pic of young Master Johnson as he got a little "height help" with Esther's stepping stool...
Carrot cake for the locally famouos Heidleberg bakery - YUM!
The Johnson's share a hug and a smile.

DJ and I couldn't help giving Roxie a little tweak, trying (unsuccessfully) to keep her in line!

Our wonderful hostess - we all completely adore her. :)

1 comment:

Ervin Massinga said...

we were looking for pictures of cush cush, since your blog advertised it, but we don't see any. whassup wit da?